Author, Speaker, Teacher, World Traveler, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc.

Modern Politics
I'm seriously concerned about politics in our country these days! It's not so much that I don't like nationalized health care and some other issues and trends - it's the fact that NO ONE CAN TALK REASONABLY anymore!! Thanks a LOT, Democrats. Thanks, Republicans. Thanks lobbyists, celebrities, protesters, and Glen Beck. When I taught college writing, we'd do a little section on logical fallacies and now and then I'd find a good example of one being used in the news. Now that's all I hear. Everyone has traded reason in for sloppy emotional rants. That will never resolve anything! I hope someone will create some labels to identify all the manipulation and manipulators who try to win a point for their side by churning out yet another emotional sound bite. Putting the labels in a popular movie would be a good way to spread them around. Save us, Hollywood! Some days I read the Wall Street Journal and often love their insightful editorials packed with information and analysis that really leads toward workable solutions. Here's one example of a logical fallacy quoted in an article about medical malpractice reform as an essential part of health care reform being blocked by special interests (not a fallacy committed by the author):

Trial lawyers scoff at the idea of special health courts. "First you have a court for doctors," a spokesperson for the trial lawyers, Linda Lipsen, recently said, "and then what? A court for plumbers?"

Linda, you idiot! You just committed an obvious false analogy. The case for doctor/plumber courts are not remotely similar.  Curse you for contributing to the dumbing of the political process. You're educated, you should know better! I'm also growing highly aware of how precious little of this deeper analysis ever makes it into the mainstream media. So disappointing. It wouldn't be that difficult, and don't think people are too shallow and don't want the information. Why do you think they watch the news in the first place? To get informed. I even watched PBS's special report on health care reform and was extremely disappointed by their one-sided, shallow, emotional coverage. The first 18 minutes were spent covering a tear-jerker story of a little girl without coverage. Important? Yes, definitely; but what about all the important solutions most Americans will never hear about? I'm not generally one to complain without doing something about it, but for now, just sharing my opinion is all I can do.

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